Leading NHS Consultant UK

Leading NHS Consultant Making an Impact in Professional life

Leading NHS consultant in the UK

Dr. Joan Myers OBE

Joan Myers: Leading NHS Consultant in the UK

Leading NHS Consultant UK Joan Myers

Joan Myers is a renowned NHS nurse UK leader, consultant, keynote speaker, strategy advisor, and educator with an impressive career spanning over 38 years.

Leading NHS Consultant in the UK

Advisor to the Chief Nursing Officer for England

Her extensive knowledge and expertise have made her a trusted advisor to the Chief Nursing Officer for England in the NHS for over a decade.

Leading NHS Consultant in the UK

Coaching Success

Her exceptional track record includes preparing individuals for promotion, with a remarkable 98% of those who receive coaching advancing in their careers. Joan has successfully facilitated and led BME leadership and development programs in various NHS organizations.

Independent Consultancy Company

She operates an independent consultancy that provides mentorship and career support to aspiring nurses.

Global Impact

Joan is in strong demand globally, having delivered keynote speeches, empowerment talks, and training and development sessions in several NHS UK organisations. She actively promotes equity and inclusion.

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Leading NHS Consultant UK

Services I Can Help You With

Seminars & Workshop

Unlock your potential with my program. Boost confidence, overcome imposter syndrome, master negotiation, and more.

Coaching & Mentoring

Introducing my Interview-Ready Toolkit, your all-in-one resource to prepare for job interviews with confidence and finesse. .

Keynote Speeches & Empowerment Talks

Unleash the power of motivation and knowledge at your next event with my distinguished keynote speaking services.

Leading NHS Consultant UK

I had the privilege of being mentored by Dr Joan Myers OBE during my leadership programme. She was exceptional and did not only provide comprehensive training but also guided me through an insightful interview session which proved valuable as I was promoted afterwards. Her expertise and personalized approach significantly boosted my confidence and skills. I am grateful for the invaluable experience and the positive impact on my professional growth.

I highly recommend her to anyone seeking guidance in their career journey.

Prince Adoe

Charge Nurse

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

Leading NHS Consultant UK

Working with Joan has been an absolute pleasure and a highly productive experience. Joan's energetic attitude, extensive knowledge, and infectious enthusiasm have been instrumental in achieving outstanding results in every session.

Deputy Head of Nursing, Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

Leading NHS Consultant UK

Joan's support has been truly invaluable. She didn't just provide me with tools to organise my workload and track my progress; she showed me how to unlock my potential and achieve my goals. Thanks to her guidance, I feel more motivated and confident. I am excited to see where this new level of productivity and efficiency will take me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow under Joan's mentorship.


Pharmacist Team Manager for Specialist Services

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

Leading NHS Consultant

"I want to be coached again by Joan. Wise and very commendable coach, great insight and expertise. Now I’m in a new role following negotiation and leadership skills and confidence through coaching. With Joan I did not feel like a tick box or a job per se, she went above and beyond. I’m very grateful to have been signposted to her! "


Group CQC compliance officer

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

"I started working with Joan a few weeks before I had to do a big presentation. Although she did ask some uncomfortable questions and made me think, the end goal was to get me to be more confident in myself and the material I was presenting.

Joan helped me become more myself and I was able to go and do a great presentation. The sessions really helped my confidence and it was really impactful and inspiring to have sessions with someone who has so much experience and knowledge. Joan is a real role model.

I would recommend Joan to others for short- or long-term work."


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant and BSL/English Interpreter

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

"I very much appreciate Joan's whole person approach to coaching, you are allowed to be real and to unpack the obvious and not so obvious areas for redress and supported to find solutions/adjust perspectives and to progress.

The question 'I was able to work on what was discussed during coaching session' was rated 4 as some of the session outcomes were for application and further development outside the session. The coaching session provided excellent ground to prepare - very insightful and comprehensive support. "


Group Deputy Director of Assurance

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

"Thank you soooo much Joan. I felt more confident after our session and the results show as I was successful in my interview!"


EMIS Ascribe Systems Manager

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

Leading NHS Consultant

"Joan's teaching approach is truly remarkable. Her ability to simplify complex concepts and present them in an understandable manner is nothing short of amazing. She has a unique talent for making the learning process not only easy but also incredibly comfortable for her students."

David Uzosike MSc (ARU) P.Grad. (HU)

Team Manager

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

coaching _feedback

"Joan's warm, welcoming coaching style allowed me to break down the personal barriers I had to be my most authentic self and uncover my full potential as a digital health leader. Her ability to listen attentively and ask thought-provoking questions has allowed me to reflect on the career path I want to take and set realistic goals for myself and specific actions to achieve them. With the coaching, I have gained the confidence and boost needed to apply for roles and professional development opportunities. I am grateful for Joan's professionalism, empathy, and genuine commitment to my growth, which made the coaching experience even richer."

Mary Erica Diaz-Santos, MSc., RN.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner

Service: Coaching & Mentoring

DR Joan Myers OBE Would like to hear from you

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Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Leading NHS Consultant in the UK
Seminars & Workshop
Service Feature: Personal and Professional Development Program

At my Personal and Professional Development Programme, I offer a wide range of services that empower individuals to reach their full potential, both personally and professionally. My programme covers various areas, either individually or in group settings, to enhance personal growth and professional success.

Here are some of the areas Covered:

1. Building Self-Confidence: Boost your self-esteem and belief in your abilities.

2. Dealing with Imposter Syndrome: Address and overcome feelings of self-doubt.

3. Recognizing and Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Understand self-sabotaging behaviours and learn strategies to overcome them.

4. Stopping Procrastination: Develop effective time management and productivity skills.

5. Emotional Intelligence Development: Enhance your ability to understand and manage your emotions and those of others.

6. Understanding Self – Johari Window: Gain insights into self-awareness and interpersonal relationships.

7. PIE – Connect, Work, Exposure: Learn the importance of building connections, working effectively, and seeking exposure for career growth.

8. Empowerment Strategies: Discover how to empower yourself to achieve your goals.

9. Receiving Feedback: Improve your ability to receive and use feedback constructively.

10. Influencing Skills: Develop skills to influence others positively and drive change.

11. Political Astuteness in the Workplace: Navigate office politics and build effective workplace relationships.

12. Negotiation Skills: Master the art of negotiation for personal and professional success.

13. 360-degree Emotional Intelligence Reporting:** Receive comprehensive feedback on your emotional intelligence from multiple perspectives.

14. Self-Assessment on Emotional Intelligence: Evaluate your emotional intelligence and identify areas for improvement.

My programme is designed to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and skills necessary to excel in various aspects of your life, from building self-confidence to becoming a more effective and emotionally intelligent professional. Join me in this journey of personal and professional growth.

Coaching & Mentoring
Service: Interview and Career Development Package

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? My comprehensive Interview and Career Development Package is here to support you on your journey to success. I offer a range of expert services to help you stand out in the job market and excel in interviews.

Services Include:

  1. Interview Preparation: I provide tailored coaching and strategies to help you ace your interviews. You will be guided through various interview scenarios, helping you build confidence and present yourself in the best possible light.
  2. CV Writing: A well-crafted CV is your first impression on potential employers. We will create a powerful and customized CV that showcases your skills, experiences, and accomplishments effectively.
  3. Writing Supporting Statements: Your supporting statements are a critical component of your job application. I’ll assist you in articulating your qualifications and experiences to match the specific job requirements, increasing your chances of being shortlisted.
  4. How to Answer Possible Questions: Interviews can be daunting, but im here to help you prepare for any question that may come your way. I’ll provide guidance on how to respond confidently and professionally, ensuring you’re ready for any interview challenge.

With my Interview and Career Development Package, you’ll be well-equipped to pursue your dream job and advance in your career. Let me help you put your best foot forward and land the opportunities you deserve.

Keynote Speeches & Motivational Talks
Service: Inspirational Keynote Speaking Engagements

My Keynote Speaker Services include:

  1. International Nurses Day (IND): I’m an engaging speaker who celebrates the invaluable contributions of nurses, sharing stories of resilience and dedication within the healthcare profession.
  2. Black History Month (BHM): I delve into the rich history and achievements of the Black community, delivering inspiring messages that celebrate diversity and unity.
  3. Annual Nursing Conferences: Elevate your nursing conferences with thought-provoking keynotes that address current trends, challenges, and innovations in healthcare.
  4. Cultural Days: Explore the beauty of different cultures through my culturally diverse speaking, promoting understanding and appreciation.
  5. EDI Conferences/Workshops: I shed light on the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion, inspiring transformative conversations and actionable change.
  6. Empowerment Talks: Whether it’s boosting morale, enhancing teamwork, or igniting personal growth, I deliver powerful talks to inspire and uplift your audience.

With my Keynote Speaker Services, your events will be marked by unforgettable moments, leaving a lasting impact on your attendees. Let me bring inspiration, insight, and motivation to your next gathering.